Friday, September 17, 2010

Halloween Costumes

I hate buying a costume. I love creating costumes with my kids. I know that some people say, "by the time you get it all done it's cheaper to spend money on a pre-made costume". Sure it is, but....I'm not doing this for the work we go into it. I don't do it for the frustration of getting poked with a pin or needle. (I sew by hand right now.) I don't do it for creating patterns and turning something into something else! Sure I can easily buy something and be done with it. Whoopty do! I do do something with my kids! We interact, we talk, we design, they learn they grow....watching their faces light up with the creation of something they designed and it comes to life? That is why I do this. That is why it's so fun. This way of doing things works for me and my family, and that's all that matters. Us.

We actually start thinking of ideas in August. By September they have a general idea of some things they would like to be. By the end of September they do know and I'm already shopping for pieces and parts to create what they see themselves as. To save money we hit Goodwill. We hit Salvation Army. We hit Joann Fabrics. We hit Michaels. My poor husband serves as driver and kid wrangler and sometimes bag carrier during all of this. He is such a special man. This is why I traveled over 700 miles to get to him! So worth every mile and more! My eldest son also helps keep the kids in line. He helps with many things, and I adore him for that help! It's just difficult to show them both how wonderful they are. Maybe these words, doubled up with my thanks, will show that!

This year we have my daughter going as a Water Fairy. Her vision is from Tinkerbell's friend, the water fairy that flutters about in the movies, but it's not exactly her. She's a Water Fairy but not that exact fairy. She's herself as a water fairy. She wanted her wings done, somewhat like this: Wing design. Then she will have a skirt, that is similar to this: Skirt design. And in tights with a warm shirt that she will decorate with a design like this: Design for shirt. We found a bag similar to this one: the bag; It is blue and we are sewing sequins on it and adding fluttery like fabric for a water affect. It will be for her to get candy in it instead of just a felt bag or bucket or plastic pumpkin thing. It will go with her costume and not clash! Everything will be decorated in sequins and she will be sparkling and watery with effects like this and this! Yep she really worked hard on this idea. She will also have a wand similar to this one because she wanted a wand despite fairies having natural magic. Hey, it's Halloween, it's her thing and her creativity! The best thing is watching her pick out what she likes and going with the idea. I just help her along. Kind of like a seamstress hired under a designer!

My son loves watching my husband play a game called City of Heroes. I have a few characters in the game too but I haven't played in a while. My husband plays daily and has a few characters in there that he shuffles about depending on his moods. One of my son's favorite characters my husband plays is a ...western like figure. Kind of like Jonah Hex crossed with the facial features (without flames) of Ghost Rider (but the skull features are a mask worn over his face in the game) and the clothing is similar to this:  Shell Jacket but the buttons are to one side and not in the middle and side. Maybe I can get my husband to get a snap of his guy for me in game and I can just show you that through flickr or something! Would help a lot hmm? The cape he will have is similar to this pattern but we will have the hood missing. I did this to save money. The pants are like this: Pant design. Everything worn is gray, mostly, and almost echoing a confederate like design in uniform. His costume requires a lot of alterations and additions, but we want it authentic to the original designer (my husband!) and my son is a total strict "It has to be like that" guy. So we are detail detail detail!

My eldest son, who I did not expect to dress up, is! He is shooting for a...self-designed persona. So far he has chosen a top hat, white shirt, black dress slacks, a pair of vampire teeth that are very realistic and fit on the teeth and not just those silly mouth sets, and a mask. The idea is quite interesting and I have a feeling it will all be extremely imaginative and creative! I can't wait to see what he does to complete it all!

Updates as we create and fix these costumes, I promise, along with prices for items and what we spent along the way!

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